Hello everyone,
This post will cover the easy and simple solution for checking if the given binary tree is a binary search tree (BST) or not.
Before getting directly into the algorithm, let’s take an example
Suppose the given tree is :
In order traversal of the binary tree given of left side is given an array = {0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}.
Now as we can see the array is SORTED since the given binary tree is BST.
Now let’s see the inorder traversal of the binary tree which is NOT a BST.
In order traversal of the binary tree given of left side is given as array = {2, 17, 7, 19, 3, 100, 25, 36, 1}.
Now you can see the array is NOT SORTED since the given binary tree is not a BST.
Now let's get into the algorithm for the same.
- First we will be doing InOrder traversal and store the data in a simple ArrayList (in java).
- Now check if the arrayList of the data we have found is sorted or not.
- If sorted then output true (means the given binary tree is BST).
- Else output false.
You can check out the complete code here.
Hope you have liked the post and if you have any suggestion then please let me know in comments.